Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 621742440138801191

2019-09-12 15:16:36 UTC  

Well some of us

2019-09-12 15:16:57 UTC  

I know there’s one guy in here who vapes because he tries to debate with me how it’s not bad for you

2019-09-12 15:17:09 UTC  

That’s why *im the doctor*

2019-09-12 15:17:53 UTC  

Alice is the medical professional in the room lol

2019-09-12 15:18:43 UTC  

I’m at a random gas station and there’s this guy that won’t stop coughing and since I’m in a place I don’t know I’m scared he’s sick with something <:shaggy_spook:540675167148441600>

2019-09-12 15:19:21 UTC  

CDC comes to my house and says I was in the same breathing space as him so I could of been exposed to a disease or some shit

2019-09-12 15:19:57 UTC  

Or like the movie contagion, a super flu that kills <:monkaS:322907210973839370>

2019-09-12 15:31:15 UTC  


2019-09-12 16:01:40 UTC  

This is quite depressing but it is true.

2019-09-12 16:02:08 UTC  


2019-09-12 16:05:50 UTC  

But the state earns half of it all

2019-09-12 16:19:51 UTC  

In my state only 20% tax rate total.

2019-09-12 16:19:58 UTC  

I know in Denmark though it's 50%.

2019-09-12 16:20:20 UTC  

The US has low tax rates in some states.

2019-09-12 16:20:42 UTC  

Here there's absolutely no state tax and also there's no tax put against necessary goods like most wholesome foods.

2019-09-12 16:21:07 UTC  


2019-09-12 16:21:25 UTC  

That's pretty damn nice

2019-09-12 16:21:41 UTC  

Your place sounds really good, for that reason alone

2019-09-12 16:22:07 UTC  

Wholesome foods is like milk, bread, cheese, rice, vegetables, etc.

2019-09-12 16:22:29 UTC  

What about flour, eggs and meat?

2019-09-12 16:23:05 UTC  


2019-09-12 16:23:07 UTC  

Untaxed cheese 🤤

2019-09-12 16:23:23 UTC  

But all junk food and soda, etc is taxed.

2019-09-12 16:23:39 UTC  

As it's considered a luxury and not a need.

2019-09-12 16:23:49 UTC  

Very nice :^)

2019-09-12 16:24:20 UTC  

I mean I would prefer it wasn't taxed, but if it helps people avoid it, then it's a lesser evil

2019-09-12 16:29:16 UTC  

What if he pulled a double switcheroo 🤔

2019-09-12 16:30:31 UTC  

To get people sperging about blackmail, spreading awareness of this terrorist organization, and then never donating, getting all these jewish journos writing articles almost akin to blackmail

2019-09-12 16:30:42 UTC  

R8 my cope

2019-09-12 16:34:29 UTC  


2019-09-12 16:36:02 UTC  


2019-09-12 16:36:04 UTC  

👌 <:wtf_pepe:545580867989274624>

2019-09-12 16:53:19 UTC  
2019-09-12 16:53:33 UTC  

Switzerland and the UK really caught me off guard

2019-09-12 16:53:37 UTC  


2019-09-12 17:49:41 UTC  

@Justin Burger (Major-GA) the tax rate in Denmark called "topskat" can sometimes affect persons or companies to pay upwards to 58% tax.

Denmark is a shit country and it's been shit since Anders Fogh.

2019-09-12 17:50:12 UTC  

Scratch that, it's been shit since the monarchy monopol rule got derailed.

2019-09-12 17:50:46 UTC  

We should have helped Hitler back in the day

2019-09-12 18:36:51 UTC  

bro its just water vapor bro