Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)

Discord ID: 624270910819663912

2019-09-19 15:08:01 UTC  

It's why a cheap bugger like me is stuck with a slingshot

2019-09-19 15:08:33 UTC  

I'll Dennis The Menace your teeth right out of your face before you manage to fill my gut with lead

2019-09-19 15:29:49 UTC  

Tbh, I find it so hard to take female drill instructors seriously.

2019-09-19 15:30:15 UTC  

Knowing that they have a lower physical requirement than me to be in their position, and are still soft on the surface.

2019-09-19 15:35:57 UTC  

The first female ranger failed the ranger course twice and then they just accepted that she should just get in.

2019-09-19 15:36:39 UTC  

I'm sorry biology isn't on your side, it's not what you were made for, no matter what egalitarian crap the modern world has shoved down your throat.

2019-09-19 15:40:07 UTC  

Female drill instructors don’t take shit

2019-09-19 15:40:43 UTC  

You can laugh at them on the computer screen but they do their job better then some male instructors because they have to work harder to be seen as equals.

2019-09-19 15:41:25 UTC  

Female drill instructors screams louder, buck up more and have a faster pace. They’re absolutely bitches and I hate them. But damn are they good at their job.

2019-09-19 15:42:15 UTC  

Seeing a female drill instructor knowing they can keep up with the males and at time do even better then them is **RESPECT**

2019-09-19 15:42:44 UTC  

Female Marine Corps Drill Instructors are the most hard working then any other MOS (with females) in any other branch.

2019-09-19 15:44:10 UTC  

You talk about wanting to join the marines but you have yet to grab the concept that in the marines you either make it you don’t. Not like the ranger that failed and they eventually just let her through. In the marines it’s all or nothing. No exceptions.

2019-09-19 15:44:15 UTC  


2019-09-19 15:44:25 UTC  

Semper Fi.

2019-09-19 15:44:38 UTC  

Oh I know.

2019-09-19 15:45:07 UTC  

“Soft on the surface” not at all. They’re hard as a fucking rock and tan as hell from all the sun they get LMAO

2019-09-19 15:45:33 UTC  

Lookin like a greasy pepperoni pizza from all the bug spray and sweat

2019-09-19 15:45:45 UTC  


2019-09-19 15:47:37 UTC  

One reason the US is struggling to find men to be in combat atm and giving out massive bonuses is women in the zones (told this by actual veterans, Army and Marines), and that it has become a social justice pariah, they are given less physical requirements to become a soldier or marine, and then they are expected to hold of the same in deployment when the time comes, not to mention the constant sexual harassment lies, where they literally tell you that if a woman accuses you of anything, there's no situation where you win, because they automatically take the woman's word as. truth

2019-09-19 15:48:06 UTC  

There was some sexual harassment in the military, But now some women have figured out that they can abuse that system to get whatever they want.

2019-09-19 15:49:43 UTC  

I've been currently been talking to two Marines, one is a veteran and one is still active and just got off deployment, they said to join the Marines, since my views are like theirs and will fly better there, since in the Marine Corps people aren't as sensitive as in the army.

2019-09-19 15:56:32 UTC  

Another big issue is the majority of people joining Army, air Force or Navy do so for the stated benefits of free college, among other things, the Marines are the only Branch still where people join just to serve

2019-09-19 15:56:55 UTC  

Marines don't offer bonuses like the other branches because " you should be happy just to be a Marine"

2019-09-19 16:06:48 UTC

2019-09-19 16:31:01 UTC  

Sexual harassment is a serious issue everyday in all branches, especially the marines.

2019-09-19 16:31:35 UTC  

The marines have serious rape issues. Japanese locals protest and want the marines out of japan because they go to the bars, get drunk and rape Japanese women

2019-09-19 16:31:59 UTC  

The jokes where it’s like “A new woman is in the unit <:emoji_17:544645425173495818> “ is true

2019-09-19 16:32:15 UTC  

It just comes down to don’t stick around drunk guys and know how to defend yourself

2019-09-19 16:33:18 UTC  

Mostly know how to defend yourself. They have all this training but never use it

2019-09-19 16:34:18 UTC  

CWO5 from rotc literally said when a woman would join them in the field, since they haven’t seen a female in 30-60 days no matter how ugly she is she starts looking pretty good and all the guys get tempted. Imagine being that fucking weak you can’t control your dick.

2019-09-19 16:34:45 UTC  

I mean, genetic hardwiring is hard to fight.

2019-09-19 16:35:03 UTC  

Women get horny as fuck too.

2019-09-19 16:35:17 UTC  

I’ve learned to control it.

2019-09-19 16:35:26 UTC  

It’s genuinely not hard. It’s serious weakness.

2019-09-19 16:35:49 UTC

2019-09-19 16:35:53 UTC  

Go jerk off in the woods and come back if your boner is that hard

2019-09-19 16:36:09 UTC  

Every porn hub ad

2019-09-19 16:39:09 UTC  

It’s really annoying when the ad is from a game you play, but someone is making a character suck another ones dick and you’re just like <:dude:614322845413277717>

2019-09-19 16:39:29 UTC  

I’ve seen Timmy Turner ads and I just fucking can’t

2019-09-19 16:39:35 UTC  


2019-09-19 16:43:21 UTC