Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 648956535296229376
When trying to school people makes you look like a pathetic sheep.
Yeah my dad was like “you get your info from Facebook”
No I didn’t actually
I get it directly from the source including the man himself and then the police radios
Well almost directly
It was from you who was listening in
Yeah, the only Facebook page I got anything from was "Let Freedom Ping"
Red flag seemed really good on paper, some one being really violent or what ever and they can get reported and their shit is taken away. Perfect example would of been that Florida kid that shot up the school. Except in reality you can say anything about anyone and without investigation they come to your house and want everything you have. I don’t support red flag laws.
Red flag laws are a direct violation of "innocent until proven guilty" and of due process.
Red flag laws are literally "guilty until proven innocent"
If there was an actual process of being- for lack of a better term- “watched” then it’d make sense. If police got a call and they investigated you by seeing what you post on social media, any criminal history, etc then it would make sense. But it’s not like that. And it can’t be that you posted “I HATE MY BOSS SO FUCKING MUCH” and they see that a threat so they take your shit.
All a red flag needs is a single person who has some random connection to say you cant be trusted.
A friend's, friends, brother could say I am untrustworthy.
And it's not the governments place to say you can't be trusted, I have broken no legitimate laws, or harmed anyone.
It’s all good on paper of “violent people will have their firearms taken away”.... but it doesn’t work when literally everybody is considered violent
Also I’m really pissed right because I was dead asleep but the mail mans vehicle is SO FUCKING LOUD that when it drove on my street twice (once for each side) it woke me up and now I can’t sleep. I genuinely fucking hate my bedroom. 2 windows on the front of the house, I HEAR EVERYTHING. Even people having a conversation outside I can hear.
What does all that mean
This Russian Jew is fucking annoying.
@Alpaca13 It's a game, I was carrying the volume equivalent to 14,88 litres
I finally got him to concede that he was wrong.
He lives in Moscow, I wanna go kick his fucking semitic head in.
Sorry but that was the dumbest argument I’ve read this month
You fight too much
Go from 0-100 to quickly
He was dumb, but it’s the Internet.. it’s to be expected 😂
Also I’m assuming due to a language barrier this happened. You should of seen that straight away.
On another note
What if we get multiple people to chip in $7, we can buy an entire island
Illegal entry and burglary, where is the supposed domestic abuse charge? Or his supposed charges for the warrants they had?
I don’t know lol