Message from @RyeNorth

Discord ID: 518002403467853824

2018-11-30 09:54:06 UTC  

I posted it for display

2018-11-30 09:54:17 UTC

2018-11-30 09:54:36 UTC  

I swear to god if you tell me that's not a free market

2018-11-30 09:54:42 UTC  

I will hunt you down and backhand you.

2018-11-30 09:54:46 UTC  

Yeah, and in your example made made lemonade or what ever shit it was

2018-11-30 09:54:51 UTC  

Sued you to the ground?

2018-11-30 09:54:54 UTC  

Am I right?

It's better to feel bad than to smell bad because feeling bad is taking 1 L and smelling bad is taking 2

2018-11-30 09:55:18 UTC  

Right. The competition used the government to regulate their competition.

2018-11-30 09:55:20 UTC  

So, I said earlier that too much regulation is bad

2018-11-30 09:55:24 UTC  

Therefore, it is NOT a free market.

2018-11-30 09:55:24 UTC  

I believe in regulation

2018-11-30 09:55:29 UTC  
2018-11-30 09:55:30 UTC  

But let's get the example

2018-11-30 09:55:50 UTC  

Codes, if we can agree on a few simple things we can progress.

2018-11-30 09:55:58 UTC  

The issue is

2018-11-30 09:56:00 UTC  

we cannot progress

2018-11-30 09:56:01 UTC  

for the past two hours

2018-11-30 09:56:02 UTC  

you know we can't

2018-11-30 09:56:37 UTC  

You have been autisticly screeching any time an example of unrestricted competition is put forward that that's not a free market.

2018-11-30 09:56:55 UTC  

Simply because you can't murder someone.

2018-11-30 09:57:03 UTC  

can't we all just use the capstone on the logical arguments pyramid instead of this?

2018-11-30 09:57:04 UTC  

Excuse me, pay for the murder of someone.

2018-11-30 09:57:04 UTC  

Free Market: If I sell you a cyanide capsul as a vitamin pill, the government isn't allowed to come after me for killing you, because NO GOVERNMENT REGULATION, BITCHES! <- Codes definition

2018-11-30 09:57:14 UTC  

Yes, any law that would allow made made lemonade to sue you to the ground

2018-11-30 09:57:18 UTC  

Checkmate, atheists.

2018-11-30 09:57:21 UTC  

Is not a free market

2018-11-30 09:57:36 UTC  

Tom what do you mean the government *isn't allowed*? That sounds like regulation

2018-11-30 09:57:36 UTC  

minute made

2018-11-30 09:57:38 UTC  

not made made

2018-11-30 09:57:45 UTC  

What ever the shit

2018-11-30 09:57:49 UTC  

fucking communist

2018-11-30 09:58:01 UTC  

And yes, I agree.

2018-11-30 09:58:03 UTC  

My point being that, if they could sue you

2018-11-30 09:58:10 UTC  

Then it's not a free market

2018-11-30 09:58:17 UTC  

Also, hold up a second.

2018-11-30 09:58:37 UTC  

I'm gonna repeat what I said, because Codes just agreed with it so hard.
Free Market: If I sell you a cyanide capsul as a vitamin pill, the government isn't allowed to come after me for killing you, because NO GOVERNMENT REGULATION, BITCHES! <- Codes definition

2018-11-30 09:59:08 UTC  

Yes pretty much, which I why regulation is needed

2018-11-30 09:59:10 UTC  

My example did not involve the company suing per se