Message from @Stefan Payne

Discord ID: 518745622866558978

2018-12-02 10:59:09 UTC  

Read it. Could be a look alike.

2018-12-02 11:02:22 UTC  

oof, i guess he knew what was coming lol

2018-12-02 11:03:01 UTC  

Look, no one is denying climate change happens,

You can actively point at it, the issue is in

A-Is it man made?
and B-Whats the solution?,

So far we know this
The Establishment (al-gore) said in like 2001 that air would essentially be poisonous right now, it did not
The major chunk of evidence is that theres more CO2 in the air due to burning fuel
The rest is "We just see it getting warmer"

As for the solution, they're all going "Limit fuel burning" and "Pay poor countries to do it too
So their solution is increasing prices, which doesn't change the temperature increase, at best it only slows progression

2018-12-02 11:03:53 UTC  

And if biology 101 told us anything, its that you drain CO2 out of the air with plants,

So instead of paying money to africa etc, just place more green across the globe

2018-12-02 11:04:09 UTC  

technically biology 102, 101 is "Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell"

2018-12-02 11:05:53 UTC  

```Punks, how do you feel about lolis```
Girls can't do anything about beeing small and having no/tiny tits.

2018-12-02 11:05:53 UTC  

to be honest, i dont give a single fuck about climate change... i literally dont care...
because, we want to modernize the 3rd world... but also reduce co2 output
those 2 things cant be done at the same time.
On top of that, the people that really care about climate change, are white people in the western world.
The western world wont exist in 50 years, in this form, and the people that are going to take it over, dont care about the climate at all.

2018-12-02 11:07:00 UTC  

pretty much that yeah,

I personally do care, but the current "solution" is a non-fix, a big scam to just tax people more and give (a portion) to the 3rd world

2018-12-02 11:07:22 UTC  

and like China produces 20% of the world exhaustion, more than the US, yet no one bothers them with it

2018-12-02 11:07:35 UTC  

yeah, thats the super strange part

2018-12-02 11:07:53 UTC  

thats cuz it then maintains a talking point

2018-12-02 11:08:10 UTC  

>"We must reduce CO2 production"
>World reduces it

2018-12-02 11:08:23 UTC  

i can see them starting a world war with china over this, and with the current zeitgeist, most normies would believe and accept it too

2018-12-02 11:08:45 UTC  

but now its "We must rduce CO2 production"
>Omgz china not doing it, vote for the establishment so we'll coerce china

2018-12-02 11:09:38 UTC  

but people are tired of it

2018-12-02 11:09:41 UTC  

look at France 😄

2018-12-02 11:09:43 UTC  

Paris is on fire

2018-12-02 11:09:47 UTC  

Its the left wing ideological bullshit...

2018-12-02 11:09:54 UTC  

well, that's not the only reason it seems....

2018-12-02 11:10:17 UTC  

some things Macron said were just totally appaling towards a national population and deserving of the Rope.

2018-12-02 11:10:35 UTC  

And we should never have abolished the death penalty

2018-12-02 11:10:43 UTC  

its mostly kids that are really into this climate stuff... they are being told that "old people" and "republicans" dont care about nature or something..

2018-12-02 11:11:09 UTC  

Yeah and the lefties demand from other people to do that while driving a Ferrari or Prorsche or Audi A8

2018-12-02 11:11:16 UTC  

or other crappy SUVs

2018-12-02 11:11:52 UTC  

well the thing is that the left is breaking the forbidden rule

2018-12-02 11:11:59 UTC  

the Left claims to be the Authority of science

2018-12-02 11:12:08 UTC  

and no one is allowed to be the actual Authority of science

2018-12-02 11:12:13 UTC  

Science speaks for itself

2018-12-02 11:12:26 UTC  

yeah, like all that Tranny crap.

2018-12-02 11:12:28 UTC  

yeah, they use it as a religion

2018-12-02 11:12:33 UTC  

quite ironic

2018-12-02 11:12:36 UTC  

we don't even fucking know what it is but make laws about that crap.

2018-12-02 11:13:21 UTC  

Have you heard the story of Darth Feminism the Left?

Ironic, he could save others from being religious, but not himself

2018-12-02 11:13:22 UTC  

What if there's a pill that could help those people and also reduce the suicide rate by 75-95%??

2018-12-02 11:13:35 UTC  

theres dumb republicans (or right wingers) too, that just... follow the herd, but they dont seem as authoritarian as the lefties that follow the herd

2018-12-02 11:14:02 UTC  

nah they're pretty authoritarian too, its just that everyone else agrees they're just stupid

2018-12-02 11:14:17 UTC  

cuz society overcame them in 2008

2018-12-02 11:14:31 UTC  

And you can fix that Tranny-storm

2018-12-02 11:14:49 UTC  

by A, being honest that its a pipedream,

And B, don't glorify it as something heroic