Message from @mcguyver123
Discord ID: 684273541729747019
It's not the only patch
I got 2 others
>its not the only patch
Oh no
What're the others
>Greentext dont work here
Doesnt have to, yall know what it is
Lol tru
>flag is the wrong way
Can reverses
>Mcguyver is ripping you a new asshole
It doesnt
Stars go forward
Change shoulders mate
The discord cam option for me does
I'm trying to help your image, place it on your other arm so the stars are facing your chest not back
Unit patch goes on the "you're" left, flag on right. Grew up on bases and uniforms were in my life
Mate.....are you Euro or Aussie?
But sure I guess
He's trying to maintain anonymity dipstick @mcguyver123
I've seen several uniforms with it on left shoulder. You're not wrong @MetalViking about unit and flag but the stars are supposed to be forward regardless of side
@O/K/ie Voluntaryist by posting his face?
In incredibly dark conditions....
Scroll up
That's gae
Should've stayed anonymous
I just got off work
Fuck it
When things pop. Identity doesn't matter
I will be a ghost....
As long as you have local goons it doesnt matter