Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 521037339791720459

2018-12-08 18:50:17 UTC  

you either think like us, or you're a bot or pro-russia or worse

2018-12-08 18:50:19 UTC  


2018-12-08 18:50:31 UTC  

@AdorableStormtrooper isn't her replacement just merkel 2.0? been calling her krampus for now

2018-12-08 18:50:37 UTC  

this and that the "Yellow Vest Protests have been Hikacked by Extremists" seems to be the establishment narrative rn

2018-12-08 18:50:49 UTC  
2018-12-08 18:51:36 UTC  

@DrYuriMom in regards to the tweet link from @AdorableStormtrooper if you see the vid and not the discord embedded pics. You see them rolling in france.
It is this force being deployed the EU military police

2018-12-08 18:52:04 UTC  


2018-12-08 18:52:28 UTC  

someone told me earlier they had a "military" and i didn't believe them

2018-12-08 18:52:34 UTC  


2018-12-08 18:52:42 UTC  

that was me

2018-12-08 18:52:47 UTC  


2018-12-08 18:53:04 UTC  

they have an army, navy, space force, military police

2018-12-08 18:53:24 UTC  


2018-12-08 18:54:29 UTC  

Their missions are all foreign

2018-12-08 18:55:23 UTC  

@wacka @4AM_critter 🐉 do they deploy at their will right now, or do national govts have the right to block them or something?

2018-12-08 18:55:24 UTC  

And all the links are talking about pretty tiny forces

2018-12-08 18:56:00 UTC  

Im not sure thats actually been established

2018-12-08 18:56:10 UTC  


2018-12-08 18:56:22 UTC  

Color me skeptical but I am not there. I just subscribe to the principle that extreme claims require extreme evidence.

2018-12-08 18:56:37 UTC  


2018-12-08 18:57:34 UTC  

independent media on the ground is so crucial in all of this

2018-12-08 18:57:34 UTC  

one thing that will happen is a blanket ban on social media and news reports to try to quell the riots to avoid an arab springs event

2018-12-08 18:58:12 UTC  

social media is going to get heavily censored or blocked in europe as a result for a while I would think

2018-12-08 18:58:18 UTC  

just watching supergirl... the people who want "liberty" are the bad guys

2018-12-08 18:58:24 UTC  

"agents of liberty"

2018-12-08 18:58:38 UTC  

it's going to be kind of surreal to see how far these people go to protect their power and how much the media can expose themselves as guardians of the establishment with the narratives they come up with

2018-12-08 18:58:53 UTC  

the main bad guy now is an evil college professor .. remind you of anyone? 😛

2018-12-08 18:59:01 UTC  

people are very quickly developing a strong nose for bullshit 😬

2018-12-08 18:59:57 UTC  

curious if this will make the leap over to canada as well, I hear they are sick of their trudeau embarrasement as well

2018-12-08 19:00:41 UTC  

Yes. They are not deployed by the EU, but by the French Authorities.
It is the way EU works. Participating members must field the units committed in a treaty. As long as they are not required for joint deployment. An EU member can utilize the forces as they see fit internally and externally by approval of the ESCCP committee.
In short they are the french commitment to the EU MP force, that is all french citizens. Being deployed to assist french police

2018-12-08 19:01:10 UTC  

@DrYuriMom @AdorableStormtrooper that is why the EU flag is on the vehicles.

2018-12-08 19:01:16 UTC  


2018-12-08 19:02:42 UTC  

Do the State National Guard units in America carry the State flag or Stars and Stripes?

2018-12-08 19:02:55 UTC  

given how much of an EUphile the current French govt is, the move to bring out these EU branded tanks on the streets seems be a bad move

2018-12-08 19:03:04 UTC  

this is like really bad optics 😂

2018-12-08 19:03:16 UTC  

so martian magazine is now banned as well from patreon. They were just a comedy magazine

2018-12-08 19:03:25 UTC  

imgaine havcing thoughts ans tfus

2018-12-08 19:04:02 UTC  

They are not tanks, they are armored trucks, fulfilling an APC role..

2018-12-08 19:04:11 UTC  

they're just banning people for cussing now probably