Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 521700552548024348

2018-12-10 14:49:55 UTC  

Not even exclusively Ukrainian ones, Egyptian and Turkish vessels had been arrested over not asking for permission

2018-12-10 14:50:02 UTC  

Oh wow

2018-12-10 14:50:04 UTC  

France is on fire,

Belgian can't maintain itself, Germany is preparing for riots

2018-12-10 14:50:12 UTC  

apparently people think putin can only hold on for another 4 years or so

2018-12-10 14:50:17 UTC  

because of shale oil

2018-12-10 14:50:21 UTC  

and they got nuthin else

2018-12-10 14:50:28 UTC  

Our oil problem is worse

2018-12-10 14:50:31 UTC  

they can bend the knee to President Trump 😉

2018-12-10 14:50:34 UTC  

Officially he cant stay in office for much longer, but we all know he will lol

2018-12-10 14:50:38 UTC  

Our oil is cheaper than the rest of the worlds

2018-12-10 14:50:55 UTC  

Leafland oil you say?

2018-12-10 14:50:57 UTC  

It's like 28 dollars per barrel for us

2018-12-10 14:51:03 UTC  

I've heard our oil is kinda shit though

2018-12-10 14:51:06 UTC  

more expensive to refine

2018-12-10 14:51:09 UTC  

>Like tim has like 100 videos about sjws so itll be nice for him to do something else
lol basically
It is low hanging fruit though and they've been real censorship happy lately so its worthy of note

2018-12-10 14:51:13 UTC  

Since we have send oil to us to refine

2018-12-10 14:51:16 UTC  

>trudeau bought the pipeline

2018-12-10 14:51:23 UTC  

Officially, Putin can stay in office till the end of this term, then skip one, then come back. He will be 78 by then though

2018-12-10 14:51:38 UTC  

Russian laws are funny. A prez can't stay for morre then 2 CONSECUTIVE terms. He can just sit one out and return.

2018-12-10 14:51:43 UTC  

@Grovyle Tim pundits the MSM outside of livestreams,

if the media talks about SJW's , Tim will too

2018-12-10 14:51:44 UTC  


2018-12-10 14:51:46 UTC  

fortunately when the united states annexes canada, that problem won't exist anymore

2018-12-10 14:51:57 UTC  

god save the queen

2018-12-10 14:52:01 UTC  

No need. Mad Max can take it from here

2018-12-10 14:52:11 UTC  

`A prez can't stay for morre then 2 CONSECUTIVE terms.`
Thank Yeltsin the great democrat for that part of the constitution

2018-12-10 14:52:14 UTC  

Just leave the the constitution next time you visit. Ours is fucking trash

2018-12-10 14:52:17 UTC  

we all know Putin has extended his age limit to atleast 120 years of youth

2018-12-10 14:52:27 UTC  

Unfortunately mad max isnt popular

2018-12-10 14:52:41 UTC  

My suggestion is a Pick-Up Artist special entitled "Trimcast"

2018-12-10 14:52:44 UTC  

He's pulling in bipartisan support

2018-12-10 14:52:51 UTC  

Yeah ik

2018-12-10 14:52:53 UTC  

If he can start pulling youth votes we've got something going on

2018-12-10 14:53:02 UTC  

I'm center left and I like him

2018-12-10 14:53:05 UTC  

Ocasio Cortez that shit, but with good policies

2018-12-10 14:53:20 UTC  

so... Trump that shit? 😛

2018-12-10 14:53:30 UTC  

sort of? There were still a lot of non voters that election

2018-12-10 14:53:36 UTC  

Yeah I'm studying for FINALS

F - How
I - Do
N - I
A - Do
L - Green's
S - Theorem

2018-12-10 14:53:55 UTC  

and also some of Trumps policies are a little eh, though granted a good chunk of those were post election

2018-12-10 14:54:11 UTC  

lol wall

2018-12-10 14:54:20 UTC  


2018-12-10 14:54:53 UTC  

many of trumps policies are jsut hot air he blows so the media rubs shit on themselves