Message from @Timcast

Discord ID: 522061616565714956

2018-12-11 14:44:03 UTC  

Pewds does! 😛

2018-12-11 14:44:10 UTC  

Alt right trolls seem to come to VC more now but he left

2018-12-11 14:44:19 UTC  

not saying gun or swearing is to make sure I get the max CPM

2018-12-11 14:44:29 UTC  

It's pathetic.

2018-12-11 14:44:35 UTC  

its always been that way

2018-12-11 14:44:37 UTC  

in fact

2018-12-11 14:44:42 UTC  

Still pathetic.

2018-12-11 14:44:44 UTC  

on tv you cant even say bitch sometimes

2018-12-11 14:44:57 UTC  

Just demonetize your YT channel already. Cut out YT and its advertisers completely from your revenue.

2018-12-11 14:45:05 UTC  

and not reading quotes is because the far left grabs out of context quotes on purpose

2018-12-11 14:45:12 UTC  

if I read someones statement they edit it to make it my statement

2018-12-11 14:45:17 UTC  

seems to me like you're upset Tim is trying to keep his livelyhood going

2018-12-11 14:45:38 UTC  

I'm upset that Tim says one thing about freedom of speech yet wusses out over money.

2018-12-11 14:45:41 UTC  

if someone is quoted as saying "feminists suck" and I read it by saying "john is quoted as saying feminists suck" they grab the feminists suck part and send it all over the internet

2018-12-11 14:45:48 UTC  

Oh fuck off dude

2018-12-11 14:46:06 UTC  

It's true though.

2018-12-11 14:46:07 UTC  

freedom of speech,

you're now compelling speech

2018-12-11 14:46:10 UTC  

No it isnt

2018-12-11 14:46:21 UTC  

If tim doesn't want to say it, he has no obligation to

2018-12-11 14:46:24 UTC  

If john says "hey tim Ill buy an ad on your channel if you dont swear"

2018-12-11 14:46:28 UTC  

ill say "ok why swear?"

2018-12-11 14:46:30 UTC  

so i wont

2018-12-11 14:46:32 UTC  

and also

2018-12-11 14:46:39 UTC  

Every time you say bullshit like "projectile devices" it's because you care more about money than freedom of speech.

2018-12-11 14:46:41 UTC  

people have requested i not swear so they can play it at work

2018-12-11 14:46:58 UTC  

Tim just you appearing In a livestream with sargon makes you Alt right

2018-12-11 14:47:00 UTC  

It's not like doctoring quotes is something new on YouTube.

2018-12-11 14:47:05 UTC  

tbh projectile devides sounds better 😛 cuz its silly

2018-12-11 14:47:25 UTC  

Saying projectile devices is also making a point about the internet

2018-12-11 14:47:35 UTC  

d00d @devpav tehy even doctored that vid of Jim Acosta basically hand-raping that white house intern in front of trump

2018-12-11 14:47:36 UTC  

Modern Bow lol

2018-12-11 14:47:40 UTC  

would be most pc

2018-12-11 14:47:48 UTC  

I think creators should work together to pressure youtube into not censoring and demonetizing stuff for petty reasons like saying the word 'gun'.

2018-12-11 14:48:08 UTC  

@Atkins that wood nut woek

2018-12-11 14:48:11 UTC  

If you don't organize it's just going to get worse and worse.

2018-12-11 14:48:19 UTC  

The MSM lies all the time about everything, Wol.

2018-12-11 14:48:25 UTC  

i know, that was the joke

2018-12-11 14:48:25 UTC  

maybe bring more variety to it, say "sling" or "skang"

2018-12-11 14:48:35 UTC  

welcome to the free market

2018-12-11 14:48:37 UTC  

Tim always says "it's just going to get worse" but doesn't want to do anything about it.

2018-12-11 14:48:42 UTC  

no advertiser is obligated to buy on my videos