Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 691303610927284247
^2014 bard spec right there
i also made that crate
So let me unpack this
Please do, because holy fuck
I hacksawed the barrel to 16.5 inches
I chopped the stock to obrez spec
took an airsoft red dot, attached it with zip ties and quick set epoxy
then went to home depot and made a new stock out of crudely hewn sheet metal
and then wrapped it in shamwows (actual shamwows, hence the hk mark and made in germany
then kryloned it
the best part is that it's headspace is fucked up and eats a no go gauge for breakfast
Jesus dude
you can't see the other side but I woodburned the second amendment into it
I'm gonna just pretend this rifle dosent exist lmao
It hurts but secretly I like it for the joke
But will it hit a target at 100 yards?
never half ass a meme gun
actually I have managed to hit a gong at 200
not that that is impressive
in my defense, I have nice mosins that are untouched, this is some bullshit 42 Izhevsk like the 20 million other ones in shit condition so I have no regrets
Fair enough
there was an Arisaka at my LGS that was done up startingly similar to this for sale at 150...I'm fairly sure it was done unironically though which is startling
If you intended to make a meme thats one thing, but doing it unironaclly isnt cool
Why not?
Any recommendations about where to purchase 12 gauge shells?
Online preferably and from a company that supports freedom
(I want to avoid CTD cause they aren't cheaper)
@jaguarknight I like lucky gunner
If they have any
Yeah no
4 boxes
$8 a box
Ok deal
You gave me good advice on my armor and carrier
If you can't afford a quality upper, it is worth it to wait and save
As long as you have a decent complete lower receiver uppers aren't going anywhere
Don't buy DPMS and buy a 223 wylde with a 1:8 twist
DPMS is trash