Message from @thedarkness05

Discord ID: 673159773939695647

2020-02-01 06:14:48 UTC

2020-02-01 06:15:31 UTC  

To everyone who feel desperate: we're here

2020-02-01 06:41:29 UTC  

I made the mistake of reading her obituary. Fuck fam. It's always the good ones. Always. This girl was so fucking smart, amazing amazing heart. Beautiful smile, amazing sense of humor. Gods I hope shes somewhere better than this fucking hell hole. She deserved better. We need to be better.

2020-02-01 06:46:10 UTC  

And we can be. We do it every day. Live for their memory. Be the best you can be, and take care of your fellows

2020-02-01 10:23:09 UTC  


2020-02-01 10:23:14 UTC

2020-02-01 10:23:17 UTC  


2020-02-01 10:23:19 UTC  


2020-02-01 10:23:20 UTC  


2020-02-01 10:23:31 UTC  

Vibe check

2020-02-01 10:23:38 UTC  

Aw lawd - son you're not supposed to start it alone

2020-02-01 10:23:43 UTC  

I ended up finishing it

2020-02-01 10:23:48 UTC  

Just took me like 9 hours

2020-02-01 10:23:52 UTC  


2020-02-01 10:23:54 UTC  


2020-02-01 10:24:03 UTC  

Warm as fuck in there though

2020-02-01 10:24:03 UTC  

The field be wildin

2020-02-01 10:24:25 UTC  

Well yeah, snow n ice are great insulators all things considered

2020-02-01 12:37:31 UTC  

Here rn is hot enought to be sunbathing

2020-02-01 13:32:37 UTC  

Ok on morning kiddos

2020-02-01 13:36:36 UTC  

Just gonna say this for the records I hate trains

2020-02-01 13:37:06 UTC  

Riding them, or just their general existence?

2020-02-01 13:37:15 UTC  

Also, morning kings

2020-02-01 13:37:29 UTC  

Riding them. Not a fan of the public transit around here

2020-02-01 13:39:21 UTC  

Huh. Idk how your trains are there but where I'm at we have 2 main train systems. One is nice because it's a speedy train, but the one in the cities is what gets sketch

2020-02-01 13:39:48 UTC  

I'm heading into NYC if that helps

2020-02-01 13:47:09 UTC  

Oh, yeah, rip.

2020-02-01 13:58:16 UTC  

2020-02-01 13:59:37 UTC  

Whats up Fed?

2020-02-01 14:00:28 UTC

2020-02-01 14:01:42 UTC  

I mean at least say hi before sending me a friend request @Guerrilla_Liberty

2020-02-01 14:03:04 UTC  


2020-02-01 14:15:32 UTC  

Morning gents

2020-02-01 14:15:40 UTC  

Btw the person we lost was a girl?

2020-02-01 14:16:01 UTC  

Greeting kings. Sorry ,I'm new to Discord.

2020-02-01 14:18:18 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio got no idea about that, just knownit was someone in the community

@Guerrilla_Liberty thats apparent, but what brings you to Pwave?

2020-02-01 14:32:54 UTC  

@thedarkness05 just looking to find more like minded people in Missouri

2020-02-01 14:44:18 UTC  

What’s up kweens?

2020-02-01 15:13:55 UTC  

@Guerrilla_Liberty you gotta be pretty retarded 1st tho.

2020-02-01 15:27:37 UTC  

I miss working at the hotel

2020-02-01 15:27:50 UTC  

we used to get fucked up all day,only ever had to cook for like 5-6 people a night it was so dead