Message from @swiggity
Discord ID: 680868998258229264
@Deadbeat Radio I will, gotta dig through my pc
Oh fuck
its 2:50pm on a Saturday
ya know what time is
It’s actually 2:01
well no breastmilk for you
Uh, no
@One Shot Paddy est is standard patriot operations timezone
I live on the south coast time
Which is objectively wrong
Also do I have your permission to turn this into a video edit and post this on my page
Thank you
Thank you for that beautiful edit
Anytime king
What page is that going on
Swiggity’s Big Igloo
My condolences king
But I will also send these edits out on Pwave and Based Yan/k/ee
Blessings to you and your circles King
Thanks guys, I kinda wish the people around me would chill out with the whole dying thing
I’ve gone to about a dozen funerals in the last year
Dang man sorry about that
Shit happens
It does
I just want a break from shit happening
Sorry for you loss @swiggity
Indiana here (midwest)
philly is a fucking dump
and a pox on humanity
should be nuked from orbit
fuck philly
keep their cheesesteaks doe
fuck you cuck'