Message from @thedarkness05

Discord ID: 683236371380305946

Speaking of contribution

Uhh.. I'm gonna move over to the meme channels

2020-02-29 08:08:51 UTC  

*A spoon. full. of sugar. Helps the Medicine. Go down.*

2020-02-29 08:23:07 UTC  

I hate how stupid people are, but then again it isnt surprising

2020-02-29 08:25:21 UTC  

If everyone was a King, no one would be.

2020-02-29 08:26:25 UTC  

I guess

2020-02-29 08:33:12 UTC  

I mean - yknow

2020-02-29 08:33:24 UTC  

how's the shift?

2020-02-29 08:35:45 UTC  

Sucks dude. Bunch more bullshit came down the pipe. Basically skate park is closed permanently, and I gotta go mad slow now

2020-02-29 08:38:52 UTC  

Holy fuck.

2020-02-29 08:38:56 UTC  

Yeah no buenos

2020-02-29 08:39:01 UTC  

hopefully it's smooth though

2020-02-29 08:40:10 UTC  

Nah its rough as fuck. I'm tight I cant go at my own pace and literally have to stroll the whole night. I hate going slow, but I got yelled at for doing my shit too fast yesterday

2020-02-29 08:54:46 UTC  

that sucks.

2020-02-29 08:54:59 UTC  

but I guess at least they want you to be thorough

2020-02-29 08:55:03 UTC  

if bored

2020-02-29 08:55:21 UTC  

more excuse to skate, I spose ( ie. loiter round more and work easier )

2020-02-29 08:57:24 UTC  

Eh not really. They gave us new cards that legitimately track where we are at all times

2020-02-29 08:57:32 UTC  

Its ghey af

2020-02-29 08:58:20 UTC  

Jesus H

2020-02-29 08:58:25 UTC  

it really be 2020 in NY huh

2020-02-29 09:01:53 UTC  


2020-02-29 09:02:14 UTC  

I just need to hold out for a few more months though

2020-02-29 09:02:28 UTC  


2020-02-29 09:02:37 UTC  

Hopefully they slow down on the advancing tom fuckery

2020-02-29 09:03:21 UTC  

Woot made it to 42 hours 0 sleep

2020-02-29 09:03:57 UTC  

Finally off work. Nothing productive got done because I've been trying to get my body to shut down

2020-02-29 09:04:30 UTC  

Sleep, drink water

2020-02-29 09:04:34 UTC  


2020-02-29 09:05:05 UTC  

I've eaten to keep body functioning

2020-02-29 09:05:42 UTC  

Complex carbs and lots of good vitamins and lean protein

2020-02-29 09:07:44 UTC  


2020-02-29 09:07:52 UTC  

This is a **THREAT**.

2020-02-29 09:08:00 UTC  

( but damn son - you onnaroll )

2020-02-29 09:08:11 UTC  

Been drinking Gatorade at work. It helps big time

2020-02-29 09:08:48 UTC  


2020-02-29 09:09:06 UTC  

Only reason my body isn't hurting like absolute hell

2020-02-29 09:09:24 UTC  

Truth - I'm on that Vitamin C and Water for prep tomorrow