Message from @Shelley
Discord ID: 298355911460651008
>serve your country
>country turns around and tell you that you can't have the tool you used to save it
Short pistols and revolvers were legal u til some prick shot up an infant school
there are few things i've ever heard as depressing as that story
Look up dunblane massacre
Too rite m8
hitller had a kill death ratio of 6million to 1 faze hitler
lennon 100million to 1 but he was moar of a camper
a lot of teamkills too
so he get no respect
fratricide doesn't count
Ha ha
going afk for a moment
only if it is a trump car
It's a jeep m8 can't get more murican than a jeep
if trump is really hitler where is our trump car like volkswagon beetle
Well tbh a ferd might have me beat
jeeps are good
miss my chevelle thou had a 69ss at one time
Don't tell me that
Pls man
Don't hurt me more
Post pic
lost my liscense in one year became a step 32 from too many speeding tickets
No don't it will hurt
Ha ha
I know that feel
Did ~100 past a hidden cop in a 30 zone in my S2
Took this pic in the back of the paddy wagon