Message from @Tatsumaki
Discord ID: 298355128766038017
That sounds horrible. I wish firearms rights would become more mainstream
Fuckin right mate
That's a beast of a round
Punch a hole in a fat cunt easy
It's not totally cucked thankfully
It turns AR mags into single stack magazines
As long as I pay to register the gun I can have any cali er
And supressors aren't licenced
yeah i'm looking forward to being able to have those, too.
And smoothbore firearms are far cheaper to register than rifles
didn't everyone used to own guns at one point in your country?
like around the first world war?
So I can technically licence a fucking m1 abrams for cheaper than a 10/22
They did
if u turn ur guns in dindu butt crime is ur fault
i don't know the history of firearms laws in england but i seem to recall that they used to be pretty open to anything
My grandad brought his smle home from his paratrooping days in wwii
But the gubmint took that off him eventually
>serve your country
>country turns around and tell you that you can't have the tool you used to save it
Short pistols and revolvers were legal u til some prick shot up an infant school
there are few things i've ever heard as depressing as that story
Look up dunblane massacre
Too rite m8
hitller had a kill death ratio of 6million to 1 faze hitler
lennon 100million to 1 but he was moar of a camper
a lot of teamkills too
so he get no respect
fratricide doesn't count
Ha ha
going afk for a moment
Can I level up if I drive a MURICAN car?