Message from @dobatag
Discord ID: 535589134509801522
they were *slaves* once
hopefully u didnt forget
i 'member
i did it again
digital blackface
either theyre hard right
or hard left
cant tell lol
also is that a tranny btw in the gif
so cant even tell
@dobatag same here im 22 so idk what to say about my own generation yet
the girl in the gif above lmao
>when u name ur kids after what u want
Changed my profile picture to color.
thank you for being an ally of the PoC @Dusty Morgan
we can defeat the white supremacists and fascists on here together
Just watch.
I am hard of hearing by the way, that is what my profile picture is about.
nah bro
Telling you I can't hear.
i dont watch game theory
i guess im blind cuz i cant read that lmao
@dobatag From what I've seen and know Gen Z does seem to be more based in reality and the lefty corporate shit we grew up with doesn't jive as strongly with us as did with millenials.
@Dusty Morgan it's what the term is for colored people. it's changed to people of color
because it's less racist