Message from @alfred
Discord ID: 300775585242939402
we will raid 4chan with le pen threads
I leave for 20 minutes to masturbate
gott mit uns
Touch dick = go to hell?
don't force the jew hate, that pill, the white pill, is a secondary pill, it comes once you are green pilled. 3 rare pepes, or 5 semi rares. i will be giving a code word for "fans" of mine, which can be vetted with a little more leniency, as we need to grow our numbers. but still no jews. fuck jews.
@DeadPresident Porn = Jewish Brainwash
Going to Belgium tomorrow, seeing great great granddathers grave in ypres
Yep porn is bad
Even chimps fap tho 😂
We are not Chimps though are we?
@alfred I'm having trouble with an addiction to it. The girlfriend is helping
for le pen raids/threads
@Harleen Kekzel |-/ <:pol:293124976943431690> You're amazing
i trust my mods will have proper vetting, they will know
Is it okay to be quadroon?
should I just cut off 1/4 of myself
@alfred friend of mine does it once or twice a month. Need to ask how he gets through it
i trust you all to know. also, that banned Snake guy who said he was KBI, is *actual* KBI, personally confirmed. outreach to him for enterance may be wise.
@discarded cigarette end I'm not fully white m8, though I'm whiter than your average Italian
you know how there was that ISIS attack on a Christian church in Egypt this morning?
i found that just not looking at the soft porn people OP to get attention helps
@Renaar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this morning in church we held a prayer in recognition of that, for the victims and people affected by it and whatnot
@Alfred "5th Reich Leader" does it matter as long as you have a higher than average IQ and don't get diseases?
posting proof of conf.
it was nice to hear both speakers this morning say how a shit Islam is
sorry for the sidetrack
oh fuck, the poor Christians 😦
[3:06 AM] Kekicorn: hey, does Snake#2828 run kbi?
[3:29 AM] Supreme Leader ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ: Snake and Sluice mainly
[3:29 AM] Supreme Leader ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ: Yeah
[3:30 AM] Supreme Leader ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ: I think now its more Snake than Sluice though, as Sluice is taking a backseat role now
Haven't checked my ethnicities, though from my family tree of the last 8 generations traceable directly to me. No Jews, no apes. Some German family, mostly Scottish/Ulster Irish.
Family was an old Scottish Noble house founded in 1346