Message from @MaNiK
Discord ID: 537294353647927296
right wing npc is anti sjw that act like sjw
Listen, if you want a socialist, planned economy, that's...debatable, I'm leaning more towards no than yes.
Nationalism is nonnegotiable
If you're not a nationalist, I don't want you operating in national politics.
they rush at unchecked news to lynch people, usually in group etc
So you want both nationalism and socialism
Big think
Yeah that happens
most nazis i know are anti socialism 😄
Im mixed
It wouldn't be a terrible solution, though I would argue for less regulation than is typically used in a socialist system.
I like an idea of a fixed economy
I'm just tired of people calling people a Nazi because they're patriotic
ironically my country is currently rulled by national socialists
Where the education fits to the job. N pay is equal based on how much work one does...but also pays everyone fairly equal
I get called a nazi for loving my country so iktf. I just love canada
and they're the 'right wing conservatives' and legit right wing is "far right and nazis"
@Order of Serila so kind of like base pay with monthly bonus incentives?
Yes? The only thing i also like is that it is still not run by the gov (like how socialist countries operate). Your business sort of idea
T-Mobile did that when I worked there. Everyone got paid the same base amount, but if you exceeded your metrics there were a couple of tiers of monthly bonuses
Again like capitalism...
fart* FTFY
😢 triggered literally shaking
The social classes needs to be in a healthy economic system for no one to have issues.... Like nowadays
@MaNiK If someone says a tattoo that says for god and country makes you a Nazi that person may actually have gone full retard
Too much instablility
oh I've seen a brit postin a trigger warning for a different oppionion in a Tech Forum least I think that's what it says, it's been a few years since I took Latin
@Stefan Payne you "Trigger warning, I have a blue screen of death?"
something like that
Those Epilepsy< Trigger warnings make sense. Though tehy are kinda bullshit for games....
Trigger warnings for epilepsy are fine, and I'm cool with ones like the one Tim put on his most recent yellow vest video but like...the ones for clapping are ridiculous
Yes, exactla
it has to be something really triggering from a real traumatic experience.
U know the biggest issue i have the most as well is the pro life and pro choice....
Neither side is actually the best side if anything they both act just as bad
beeing shot at is counting as such a situation.
someone disagreeing with you is not