Message from @.Not Sean

Discord ID: 537436055289462814

2019-01-23 00:36:42 UTC  

making a slightly different point

2019-01-23 00:37:35 UTC  

when you take thousands of people from a single area and dump them all into a single city to form essentially their own city, when you encourage them to stick to their own, when you shoot down all attempts to get them to integrate then we cannot be surprised when they cease doing so

2019-01-23 00:38:04 UTC  

and in doing so we cannot be surprised that they revert back to the very culture they knew their whole lives

2019-01-23 00:38:58 UTC  

the sheer size of the migration, the fact that we are dumping them into closed communties, all of it... we are making a situation that will cause all of it

2019-01-23 00:40:53 UTC  

and it's a problem that gets worse with time because as more migrants come over they are put into the same entrenched migrant heavy areas that have the same culture that they left. Making it worse and worse over time

2019-01-23 00:42:00 UTC  

The answer is clear.

2019-01-23 00:42:01 UTC  


2019-01-23 00:42:44 UTC  

~~pay them to go back~~

2019-01-23 00:43:27 UTC  

@Ottobon so what do you think happens over time to an area as people that grew up with sharia law (and are sympathetic to it) begin to outnumber those that did not? as you bring in freshly brought in migrants that still practice it? as those that are coming over now begin to want to continue their culture in a area that is now largely made of those that view it somewhat favorably?

2019-01-23 00:44:09 UTC  

you get a complete area reversion

2019-01-23 00:45:09 UTC  

these are migrants, not refugees. Just because they left their home country didn't mean they left their love for their culture

2019-01-23 00:47:00 UTC  

It used to be people chased the American Dream, now they chase the free paycheck from the government

2019-01-23 00:49:50 UTC  

Well it depends what is the "American Dream"

2019-01-23 00:50:11 UTC  

Is used to be called the "land of opportunity"

2019-01-23 00:50:31 UTC  

We're so racist but the Hispanics are banging down our wall to get in.

2019-01-23 00:54:20 UTC  

@Ottobon and that is not just a single group or culture. EVERYONE does that all the time in every country when your talking about mass migrations in clusters

2019-01-23 00:57:47 UTC  

In the past the Ghettos have only lasted at most 20 years and then dispersed as the "Imigrants" moved out and a new group moved in

2019-01-23 00:58:16 UTC  

>be americans
>gloat and brag about how amazing your country is
>have all the media you produce basically be nationalist propaganda
>be surprised when people in shitty countries want in

2019-01-23 00:58:29 UTC  


2019-01-23 00:58:29 UTC  


2019-01-23 00:59:00 UTC  

I never thought about how Nationalism could backfire like that

2019-01-23 00:59:06 UTC  


2019-01-23 01:00:37 UTC  

fuck it. murica

2019-01-23 01:01:01 UTC  

People in "shitty" countries do not believe American nationalism, nor is American nationalism nationalism rather than patriotism

2019-01-23 01:01:31 UTC  

they fall for the american dream though, and the american dream comes from american propaganda

2019-01-23 01:01:52 UTC  

why do you think people travel so far to get in the us

2019-01-23 01:01:53 UTC  

They want in because they think those lazy, indolent white people have it easy and get laid too much, it has nothing to do with any American dream which died with the new deal

2019-01-23 01:01:58 UTC  

its because of all the things they see about it

2019-01-23 01:02:19 UTC  

Yeah, if your country is falling apart and you see everyone bragging about America, usually most people would put 2 and 2 together

2019-01-23 01:02:23 UTC  

when you constantly shill your country as the greatest you shouldnt be surprised when people want in

2019-01-23 01:02:26 UTC  

Their young men think white women are sluts, plain and simple

2019-01-23 01:02:36 UTC  

I'm not American

2019-01-23 01:02:43 UTC  

@Maddie not if the people in the media where the south american migrants came from are to be believed. That there were NGOs running ads on tv and campaigns to get people to join the caravan en masse

2019-01-23 01:02:47 UTC  

i got news for you

2019-01-23 01:02:48 UTC  

they are

2019-01-23 01:02:59 UTC  

They're not, they just flirt heaps

2019-01-23 01:03:00 UTC  

lol mixed

2019-01-23 01:03:08 UTC  

So Nathan Phillips served 4 years in the Marines and was discharged as...a Private. Oof.

2019-01-23 01:03:31 UTC  

i don't rate their men much either

2019-01-23 01:03:34 UTC  


2019-01-23 01:03:38 UTC  
