Message from @yearspastmatter
Discord ID: 538073316540416012
i only watch tv when i want to lie in bed while i eat food
Fox is far superior to CNN from a pure news standpoint, but their opinion news programs are definitely conservatively slanted
and only cause i don't have android tv ;p
Fucking hate Deutschelands' politics.
Tucker is funny as hell though
He is!
I don't own a TV
tucker's face when someone is speaking is hilarious
That interview that he did with Avenatti was the absolute shit
Tucker is good
Hannity is a bit hyperbolic
Hannity sucks.
ONly tucker is good.
Tucker sumprm.
Can't cuck the Tuck
I do love me some Tucker, usually who I watch clips from
and he's on Fox News, so he gets dismissed outright by half the populace
fuck i wish youtube had better sub browser
boy if that dude has a criminal record that is hilarious
Imagine my surprise that Phillips has been arrested for alcohol related crimes
is your name in Klingon>
@momoneymoproblems he does, it includes assault and escape from jail
yeah i mean its a report but some journalists are less than reputable
Tfw you hate Trump so much that you condone death threats to children
The reason it took this long was because his name wasn't always Phillips, he enlisted in the military under a different name
hunting time
choo choo
lets get on the reverse manhunt train
the donald has this dude under Sitting Bullshit
which i think is hilarious
I watch multiple youtube channels that have pointed to Tim's coverage of the CovingtonGate thing. Tim freaking rules. One of the lest true journalists