Message from @Rouqen

Discord ID: 538559532776030241

2019-01-26 03:02:13 UTC  

draft in australia nearly caused a civil war in ww1

2019-01-26 03:02:47 UTC  

well i would certainly be opposed to initiating a draft...when a war hasn't been declared...

2019-01-26 03:03:43 UTC  

This is funny, watching the AI vs human starcraft.
The AI keeps trouncing the humans, but they always (almost robotically, ironically enough) keep following the same patterns that they know.

2019-01-26 03:04:06 UTC  

starcraft ai is definitely one that would shit on humans

2019-01-26 03:04:15 UTC  

dota ai has done it but was way harder

2019-01-26 03:04:31 UTC  

This is deepmind vs pro starcraft players

2019-01-26 03:04:46 UTC  

AI should always when, when it comes to calculations and speed.

2019-01-26 03:04:49 UTC  

You know most of the people who fought in Vietnam were volunteers while most of the combatants who fought in World War 2 were draftees. But we call World War 2 the volunteer war and Vietnam the draft war.

2019-01-26 03:04:59 UTC  

If they don't, it's just a matter of shitty programming.

2019-01-26 03:05:29 UTC  

decent AI is hard to pull off

2019-01-26 03:05:48 UTC  

The hard part about making decent AI isn't making it hard, it's making it difficult without being impossible.

2019-01-26 03:06:42 UTC  

The cpu load of AI is insane still

2019-01-26 03:07:26 UTC  

can always mimic it via machine learning that is replicated after the fact, with difficulty levels scaling based on premade machine learning generations

2019-01-26 03:08:30 UTC  

If women have to sign up for the draft, I say let them. Give the feminists what they want.

2019-01-26 03:10:36 UTC  

the dota ai was machine learning

2019-01-26 03:10:46 UTC  

And they say colors other than white can't be racist...pft.

2019-01-26 03:11:15 UTC  


2019-01-26 03:11:35 UTC

2019-01-26 03:11:36 UTC  

also r/uselessredcircle

2019-01-26 03:23:18 UTC  


2019-01-26 03:23:24 UTC  

Just fucking wow

2019-01-26 03:23:38 UTC  

**calnyc#3014** just left the server.

2019-01-26 03:24:11 UTC  

I call religious discrimination

2019-01-26 03:24:52 UTC  

Clearly Twitter is operatted by religious zelots and are unfairly punishing us for not being of their faith.

2019-01-26 03:28:45 UTC  

That is an old pic

2019-01-26 03:29:41 UTC  

I still say we should claim religious discrimination by the CTRL-left

2019-01-26 03:30:23 UTC  

*Jazz music stops*

2019-01-26 03:30:52 UTC  

bUt TheY’rE N0t G0VernMent AuThority

2019-01-26 03:33:09 UTC  

I am excited for vat grown meat in a few years

2019-01-26 03:35:19 UTC  

Question is if it’s any good or even has nutritional value

2019-01-26 03:36:00 UTC  

it does

2019-01-26 03:36:07 UTC  

Because it's proteins

2019-01-26 03:36:17 UTC  

Grown based on animal cells

2019-01-26 03:36:31 UTC  

Protein can be extracted from plants

2019-01-26 03:36:41 UTC  

it's like soy meat

2019-01-26 03:36:42 UTC  

As long as I can get it medium rare

2019-01-26 03:36:46 UTC  

Except for it's actual meat

2019-01-26 03:36:58 UTC  

Cruelty free as well

2019-01-26 03:37:04 UTC  

(People around me like theirs medium well like the pussies they are)

2019-01-26 03:37:09 UTC  

Plus in prospect it's cheaper