Message from @Strufa

Discord ID: 539601710692171806

2019-01-29 00:21:10 UTC  

let alone kids

2019-01-29 00:21:22 UTC  

The Patron Saint of the Incels was raised by a DNC major player and raised to be the next DNC Major player

2019-01-29 00:21:28 UTC  

and not only i hate socialism with all of my being , im filled pretty much with vile hate towards it and torwards the poor who cause my country to go to shit and my family to experience so much pain

2019-01-29 00:21:38 UTC  
2019-01-29 00:21:40 UTC  

And in some points its kinda hard not to connect both groups

2019-01-29 00:21:49 UTC  

if they are both acting the same way

2019-01-29 00:21:59 UTC  

Or are you talking about the other guy

2019-01-29 00:21:59 UTC  

Elliot Rogers

2019-01-29 00:22:02 UTC  

yeah him

2019-01-29 00:22:09 UTC  

the mixblood

2019-01-29 00:22:15 UTC  

saint elliot of rodgers?

2019-01-29 00:22:16 UTC  

Rogers himself though was extremely conservative

2019-01-29 00:22:27 UTC  

he was a halfbreed trash

2019-01-29 00:22:36 UTC  

only conservative in terms of other guys getting poon and not him

2019-01-29 00:22:45 UTC  


2019-01-29 00:23:23 UTC  

It seems like you have extreme leftists producing angry right(ish)-wing mass murders

2019-01-29 00:23:44 UTC  

*when trash tier journalists consider criticism harrasment* uwu

2019-01-29 00:23:44 UTC  

but we can't know since most of them don't make their political leanings known

2019-01-29 00:23:57 UTC  

Or maybe the mass murderes found a excuse to justify their actions tho

2019-01-29 00:24:13 UTC  

ngl it's one hell of an excuse

2019-01-29 00:24:33 UTC  

they are mass murderers tho its not like they are sane

2019-01-29 00:24:42 UTC  

I don't agree with their actions, but a lot of them are justified in their rage and resentment

2019-01-29 00:24:42 UTC  

it's not like there are crazies everywhere who would adopt whatever ideology necessary to justify their violent urges

2019-01-29 00:24:43 UTC  

The Bell Curve profile of a mass shooter righter is Democrat or raised in a Democrat house hold. Has seen behavioral health and is medicated.

2019-01-29 00:24:44 UTC  


2019-01-29 00:24:45 UTC  

I just don't think it's helpful

2019-01-29 00:24:56 UTC  

it's them roight woingers

2019-01-29 00:26:11 UTC  

As a wise man once said, "If Democrats would stop shooting people there would be no gun crime in the country"

2019-01-29 00:26:20 UTC  

i dont think classifying them in any group but crazy is valid

2019-01-29 00:27:53 UTC  

@Khanclansith I fit the profile of a mass shooter then

2019-01-29 00:28:04 UTC  

so if I register as Democrat the police will leave me alone?

2019-01-29 00:28:20 UTC  

The FBI will, the local PD might be wiser

2019-01-29 00:28:41 UTC  

Anyway it kinda worries me that my brain will make the conection and end up hating the blacks since they behave like the proletariat did here

2019-01-29 00:29:02 UTC  

the proletariat?

2019-01-29 00:29:06 UTC  

I really like that Tim started swearing

2019-01-29 00:29:10 UTC  

the poor, the people

2019-01-29 00:29:18 UTC  

The working class @ʇooNʇooN

2019-01-29 00:29:21 UTC  

ni🅱 🅱 a pls

2019-01-29 00:29:29 UTC  

the fuckers who believe in socialism and elected a dictator

2019-01-29 00:29:33 UTC  

Imagine my surprise when I noticed that Nathan Phillips was actually in a Skrillex video.

2019-01-29 00:30:16 UTC  

Cheif Squatting Bull Nathan Phillips? or a serious person?