Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 540261564574334997

2019-01-30 20:03:24 UTC  

lol that works too

2019-01-30 20:03:33 UTC  

Now we're talking.

2019-01-30 20:03:56 UTC  

but someone will file a un report and the findings will see that the report is false

2019-01-30 20:03:57 UTC  


2019-01-30 20:04:04 UTC  

I was accused of being a Nazi last week.

2019-01-30 20:04:14 UTC  


2019-01-30 20:04:19 UTC  

just get the skulls of dead ISIS soldiers

and a week after a caravan, send a truck of skulls back to that country of origin of the caravan

2019-01-30 20:04:28 UTC  


2019-01-30 20:04:44 UTC  

nazi can be obsess with the occult

2019-01-30 20:04:44 UTC  

You lost a hand in a car wreck, here is 50G to go to Honduras and tell them that a US BPS dog bit it off.

2019-01-30 20:04:55 UTC  


2019-01-30 20:05:05 UTC  

actually i wonder

2019-01-30 20:05:10 UTC  

He called me a Nazi, but I just stuffed that Jewish bastard back into the oven. That's what he gets for insulting me.

2019-01-30 20:05:27 UTC  

is there a law where u can go after media in latin america for spreading false informationn

2019-01-30 20:05:37 UTC  

lol poor jew

2019-01-30 20:05:56 UTC  

Yes, you can sue people in other countries for defamation.

2019-01-30 20:06:04 UTC  

they are contributing to illegal immigration

2019-01-30 20:06:05 UTC  

Ehhhh, you have to go country by country and see what their laws are

2019-01-30 20:06:07 UTC  

It might not even have to be in their jurisdiction.

2019-01-30 20:06:34 UTC  

If they publish it in the US, as the Sargon case, you can sue them there.

2019-01-30 20:06:58 UTC  

But in the US libel and Incitment are really hard to win

2019-01-30 20:07:05 UTC  

People went forum shopping like that a lot, though.

2019-01-30 20:07:25 UTC  

The UK was a very plaintiff friendly jurisdiction for defamation, which is why a lot of such cases were filed there.

2019-01-30 20:07:55 UTC  

It depends on the case how hard it is to win.

2019-01-30 20:08:33 UTC  

It also depends on who is being defamed under US law.

2019-01-30 20:08:41 UTC  

You will have to prove malice for a public figure.

2019-01-30 20:09:34 UTC  

Some Judges will now try to call the Covington High kids public figures now, which hurts the the kids case that they were lied about.

2019-01-30 20:09:47 UTC  


2019-01-30 20:09:53 UTC  

Not sure if that's who's trying it.

2019-01-30 20:10:10 UTC  

Judges decide Motions to Dismiss

2019-01-30 20:10:35 UTC  

I guess, but I am not sure one follows from the other.

2019-01-30 20:10:57 UTC  

Just because you are a public figure does not mean you cannot be defamed.

2019-01-30 20:11:29 UTC  

Also, it seems like a nonsensical argument because if a person becomes public by nature of the allegations, everybody would qualify as a public person and the distinction would be rendered moot.

2019-01-30 20:11:51 UTC  

what public figure? what was their jobs? being a student and going to a field trip is not being public figure

2019-01-30 20:11:53 UTC  

Kathy Grifith posted calls for violence, Kids sue Kathy, Kathy calls for a motion to dismiss on grounds what she said was free speach and not incitemant or Slander, then the Judge has to rule to continue.

2019-01-30 20:12:15 UTC  


2019-01-30 20:12:16 UTC  

The legal language used is typically someone who "thrusts himself into the public sphere".

2019-01-30 20:12:21 UTC  

Sue that bitch

2019-01-30 20:12:42 UTC  

The boys would not qualify as such. There is precedence that clearly contradicts this.

2019-01-30 20:12:47 UTC  

Maybe Twitter needs some accountability here