Message from @dobatag

Discord ID: 540729976635392000

2019-02-01 03:05:43 UTC  

cuz i fucking am

2019-02-01 03:05:53 UTC  

I am surprised, but Trump isn't lol

2019-02-01 03:06:01 UTC  

nah hes lived ther all his life

2019-02-01 03:06:02 UTC  

Why is every slippery slope the conservatives talked about comin true

2019-02-01 03:06:04 UTC  

he knows how ny has changed

2019-02-01 03:06:24 UTC  

He said in the election debate against Hitlery Clinton that dems will push for late temr abortion

2019-02-01 03:06:27 UTC  

hell when the virginia republicans struck down the same bill as ny's even they said lol that this shit happens in cali or ny not in virginia @acarson

2019-02-01 03:06:29 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:06:39 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:06:44 UTC  

it's the slippery slope argument

2019-02-01 03:06:53 UTC  

which leftists say right wingers are fear mongering about or conspiracy

2019-02-01 03:07:00 UTC  

but then they go ahead and actually make it into law hahaha

2019-02-01 03:07:08 UTC  

And she was like "Trump is just using scare tactics"

2019-02-01 03:07:21 UTC  

hold on carson u heard what virginia's dem goernor said regarding abortions and how he's pro after birth abortions?

2019-02-01 03:07:28 UTC  

I did

2019-02-01 03:07:34 UTC  

or the paper in the medical ethics journal about legalizing after birth abortions?

2019-02-01 03:07:43 UTC  

I think it is absolutely disgusting to murder an already born child

2019-02-01 03:07:46 UTC  

ive been linking it like all day today

2019-02-01 03:07:47 UTC  

fuckin hell

2019-02-01 03:07:50 UTC  
2019-02-01 03:07:52 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:07:54 UTC  

it's not murder

2019-02-01 03:07:58 UTC  

if u call it abortion

2019-02-01 03:08:06 UTC  

regardless if the baby is already birthed

2019-02-01 03:08:08 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:08:08 UTC  

The baby was already born

2019-02-01 03:08:10 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:08:18 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:08:30 UTC  

mother's body mother's choice

2019-02-01 03:08:32 UTC  

u know and all that

2019-02-01 03:08:38 UTC  

regardless of the baby being born or not

2019-02-01 03:08:43 UTC  

It is not in the mom's body anymore!

2019-02-01 03:08:48 UTC  

or even if the baby is 8 months 29 days 23 hours 59 min old

2019-02-01 03:09:04 UTC  

sorry my dude it's LITERALLY a clump of cells ok!!!

2019-02-01 03:09:07 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:09:18 UTC  

Those brainlets are clumps of cells

2019-02-01 03:09:29 UTC  

her body her ~~murder~~ choice

2019-02-01 03:09:31 UTC  


2019-02-01 03:11:32 UTC  
