Message from @Odalist Refrain
Discord ID: 277991392943407105
And now I'm doing internal design work and art for it.
So any suggestions for my previous question?
>Pixels in the michigan one that are all fucked up
oh kek
That's the background I ripped it from
I'll fix it.
With fighting antifa and communists in general
@DakGeth I think we should keep it "internal" for now. As for normies not getting the discord, you're probably right
reaching out to normies
once meetups are established, it should be easier to reach out
@Moonman Yea, the things saiid in here will probably push some people away to say the least ha
on he website have a map with all the local meetups, everyone goes hiking/shooting on a sunday or something
@Odalist Refrain By the way I might need help doing Canada's snek in their insignia... It's a fucking pain to figure it out kek
no snek
that looks good
Snek's gotta be on all the country ones so we are all under 1 symbol
Not necessarily the state ones but would be better if it was
good idea de Lion
its perfect how it is
I also didn't mean random normies, I just meant your average conservative or republican
So each state gets there own logo?
snek is a lolberg thing
You'd be surprised on the number of libs that convert to ancap
fuck my english
@Rothbard you need to get down and train at any martial arts/thai boxing/mma place
seriously when you train with serious people 3-4x a week you'll find normal people are so fucking slow it's unbeleievable
Pretty much @ATG , although snek probably
never seen a ancap convert to socialism tho
and by slow I just mean every strike is completely telegraphed and they don't move
who is ancap here?
i thought this was natsoc
i am