Message from @Mr. Cate
Discord ID: 301197828946919424
Oh fug
"titled at 66.6 degrees" - cuz satan is our lord and savior :^)
I'm a space trap, i can confirm all
>pulls out gas and set it on table
>my gf went to sleep 10 hours ago
>Still not up
the earth isnt even tilted 66 degrees
Probably because that shit is cold my dude
Earth doesn't curve enough to require it
I'm done here, if I wanted these discussions I'd go to Alex Jone's comment section
disinfo agent pls go
we have shit to meme
Skin walkers are real
I wouldn't be surprised if flat earthers are skinwalkers
It makes sense
@Mr. Red welcome to SS Elite, gratz you have been a powerful jew gasser
Oh god that part of youtube
my home lol
Thank you, Mein Reichfuhrer!
What the fuck
there are weird ass sounds outside my house
like something gurgling
Renaar why do they say we're gonna be friends
I am getting
my fucking AR
where I discovered my fav theory: pyramids were ancient alien MASERS which shot the ionosphere and arced a current down to obilisks which were ancient alien batteries
Connor did you send a fucking skinwalker
you fuck
@Mr. Cate i haven't had furrrrr or anime friends here so maybe that's what they mean lol
True pyramids are probably just a government conspiracy too
finland doesnt real
>There's a dog out there