Message from @Mr. Red
Discord ID: 301196955080720385
<@282043661959561216> that's cause we don't
>not buying theory made by CIA for lulz
I have a filter in my house anyways
Flat earth is a CIA op to test how gullible people are currently y/n?
y psyop
listen you can't believe everything on the internet
cuz theres space ayys there
Antarctica is a ring surrounding the world
Because Antartica is inhospitable af mate
snow ayys
Thats why they are so afraid of global warming because if the ring melts then we will be able to explore the rest of the earth
Which is endless
like space
Oh fug
"titled at 66.6 degrees" - cuz satan is our lord and savior :^)
I'm a space trap, i can confirm all
>my gf went to sleep 10 hours ago
>Still not up
the earth isnt even tilted 66 degrees
Probably because that shit is cold my dude
Earth doesn't curve enough to require it
I'm done here, if I wanted these discussions I'd go to Alex Jone's comment section
disinfo agent pls go
we have shit to meme
Skin walkers are real
I wouldn't be surprised if flat earthers are skinwalkers
It makes sense
@Mr. Red welcome to SS Elite, gratz you have been a powerful jew gasser
Oh god that part of youtube
my home lol