Message from @Marcus_Summers

Discord ID: 544348477786947584

2019-02-11 02:45:25 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:45:27 UTC  

@Kelz Are you seriously trying to make the argument that murdering your political enemies is moral?

2019-02-11 02:45:29 UTC  

But EndangeredProdigy, can you even kill someone?

2019-02-11 02:45:38 UTC  

can I personally?

2019-02-11 02:45:41 UTC  

they sold all their stuff on the free market to capitalistic countires

2019-02-11 02:45:44 UTC  

or can a person?

2019-02-11 02:45:46 UTC  

Can anyone, really?

2019-02-11 02:45:46 UTC  

Absolutely can be.

2019-02-11 02:45:49 UTC  

This seems like someone is trying to virtue signal pro-communism

2019-02-11 02:45:50 UTC  

yes they can kill someone

2019-02-11 02:45:54 UTC  

did we not try to do that with hitler?

2019-02-11 02:45:56 UTC  

if you blow someone's head off

2019-02-11 02:45:59 UTC  

you know, jock man, a common holocaust denial line of reasoning is that the nazis just packed all the jews into the concentration camps and left them to starve, because of how logistically impossible producing that much poison and cremating that many bodies would have been.

2019-02-11 02:45:59 UTC  

that's killing them

2019-02-11 02:46:00 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:46:05 UTC  

they starved their people intentionally

2019-02-11 02:46:06 UTC  

Are you sure?

2019-02-11 02:46:17 UTC  

in the physical, mortal realm, yes

2019-02-11 02:46:24 UTC  

in our plane of existence

2019-02-11 02:46:26 UTC  

it's killing

2019-02-11 02:46:30 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:46:38 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy But alot of people killed in USSR was the result of starvation, central planning that better than being killed by Hitler?

2019-02-11 02:46:40 UTC  

@Samaritan He's trying to make the argument that Stalin and Mao didn't "intend" to kill people they just died due to bad policy or some such nonsense.

2019-02-11 02:46:46 UTC  

Have you tested that?

2019-02-11 02:46:50 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:46:55 UTC  

I just told you, Stalin starved them intentionally @Kelz

2019-02-11 02:46:56 UTC  

Is intentionally confining and starving 6 million people actually better than actively killing them?

2019-02-11 02:47:01 UTC  

read that

2019-02-11 02:47:03 UTC  
2019-02-11 02:47:15 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:47:29 UTC  

it wasn't due to "bad planning"

2019-02-11 02:47:30 UTC  

cheers to this debate

2019-02-11 02:47:33 UTC  

it was on fucking purpose

2019-02-11 02:47:48 UTC  

communism is for dummies

2019-02-11 02:47:50 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy I'm sure Stalin targeted people and killed people but alot of people died because of Communism (starvation, etc)

2019-02-11 02:47:53 UTC  

and it was never 'bad policy' or a 'failure' it was literally manafactured famine in order to control the population via locking down the means of distribution and to centralize the supply in order to control those whom need the product in question (food)

2019-02-11 02:48:00 UTC  

Starving ppl to death would likely be considered cruel and unusual, torture.

2019-02-11 02:48:03 UTC  

What a retarded argument... Are we seriously discussing what is a better way to die?

2019-02-11 02:48:05 UTC  

no they died because Stalin made it so @Kelz

2019-02-11 02:48:20 UTC  

the number that died due to being poor pales in comparison to the intentional starvation