Message from @🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞
Discord ID: 545444480346619915
Put America back on track of being one of the best places to be educated.
Actually teachers will have their living wages, enough for them to live on. But if they get a pay raise will depend on how well they perform within the school.
Right, teacher's don't want that.
Unions teachers... I will not have them in the school.
That is just draining the system and making it harder on the students.
Oh, pft, gl with that.
I want actual teachers that will treat their students with respect and work towards making a better schooling system.
Unions destroy the businesses and schools that they latch onto.
I want uhhhh what do you call it
The money goes into paying the teachers and unions, never go towards the courses and education.
a more Boyscout style schooling
I want humans to stop behaving like humans, MMMMkay.
That is why when Unions happen, the students educations quickly suffer.
teachers dont get paid a ton
if they get paid less the education wont be as good either
teachers or babysitters?
no incentive
And, what's the difference?
one of them, uh, teach
I know that. That is why we will give them starting living wages that slightly higher than most teacher's starting pay in the state, but their pay raises will be based on their merits and performance.
The better the teacher performs, the more money they get
Teachers who perform better also get rewards for doing so.
Encouraging teachers to give it their all for teaching.
I hate the idea so many people have that the only place intelligence can be fostered is school
how do you decide how well they do
Have you ever wondered why the Founding Fathers of America only had middle school educations?
How can you have a place for intelligence can be fostered with Global LEFT Post Modern Markism infecting - Schools , Univertieis , Goverment, Police, Fire, Arm forces, TV , Movies, Radio, News Papers,etc
State schools are a propaganda tool, change my mind
Considering progressives refuse to base topics and society off science and bioglogy
Do you remember when you were a very small child and you went to school to learn how to walk?
It can be as simple as starting a book club with your homies
I remember fighting with teachers often saying 90% of this stuff Ill never use in the real world
for its not what i learned
Yeah I had that argument too
its the way i learn things