Message from @Yang Gang Bang

Discord ID: 545656280862425119

2019-02-14 17:21:17 UTC  

Ok back 2 work

2019-02-14 17:21:27 UTC  

liberals are basically boring communists

2019-02-14 17:21:30 UTC  

so do i have to be a virgin to be an incel or just not able to get laid from here on forward

2019-02-14 17:21:34 UTC  
2019-02-14 17:21:39 UTC  

ok but you would be penalized without free thought and free expression

2019-02-14 17:21:47 UTC  

it's hegelian retardation mixed with enlightenment nonsense

2019-02-14 17:21:57 UTC  

Those are fundamental liberal principles

2019-02-14 17:22:00 UTC  

@Maddie lol I don't consider your laws to be worth anything

2019-02-14 17:22:19 UTC  

your feds can shoot me, but I will never respect liberal laws

2019-02-14 17:22:21 UTC  

Ok lets say discord decided to ban all right wing people

2019-02-14 17:22:32 UTC  

they would just move to another platform and that one would grow

2019-02-14 17:22:35 UTC  

You would no longer be able to talk here

2019-02-14 17:22:44 UTC  

freedom of speech is a double edged sword

2019-02-14 17:22:47 UTC  

eh they might as well. it's filled with pedophile leftist furries anyway(discord's employees)

2019-02-14 17:22:52 UTC  

ppl like allthefoxes and whatnot

2019-02-14 17:22:52 UTC  

Its not

2019-02-14 17:22:54 UTC  

it's only really somewhat viable if you create a homogeneous society in pereptuity

2019-02-14 17:22:55 UTC  

getting the FBI to investigate it

2019-02-14 17:23:00 UTC  

but the spread of liberalism is too dangerous

2019-02-14 17:23:04 UTC  

we need to block liberalism

2019-02-14 17:23:15 UTC  

or put another way liberals are just less violent communists

2019-02-14 17:23:19 UTC  

If you are scared of ideas then you admit you cant debate them

2019-02-14 17:23:24 UTC  

I am debating now am I not?

2019-02-14 17:23:30 UTC  


2019-02-14 17:23:30 UTC  

This is sjw logic

2019-02-14 17:23:33 UTC  

And no

2019-02-14 17:23:41 UTC  

but I am looking at it from a systemic perspective

2019-02-14 17:23:45 UTC  

What if isps refused to give you Internet access, and bribed the owner of the polls to not let any other isp use them.

2019-02-14 17:23:45 UTC  

policy building is about the greater good

2019-02-14 17:23:45 UTC  

@King Canuck doesnt exist

2019-02-14 17:23:46 UTC  


2019-02-14 17:23:50 UTC  

I dont have time to debate im in class

2019-02-14 17:23:51 UTC  

he probably deleted it

2019-02-14 17:23:53 UTC  

banning people who say trannies and homos are fine is a good idea

2019-02-14 17:24:04 UTC  


2019-02-14 17:24:10 UTC  

nonon u get banned for saying otherwise

2019-02-14 17:24:12 UTC  

yourself fucking retarded

2019-02-14 17:24:13 UTC  

funding bill

2019-02-14 17:24:15 UTC  

social degeneracy leads to degradation and destruction of the order

2019-02-14 17:24:19 UTC