Message from @RekItRalph
Discord ID: 545768977423532058
2 second google also says men have periods
Japan seems to be doing great with no immigrants
What article does it come up with
if you're gonna argue, atleast be good at it
ty Maddie
tfw half this server is on their period
How many nations are doing great with no immigrants right now?
i dunno 😂 seems like it
lowkey i think guys dont realize how easy they have it
and i'd say none
cuz every nation immigrates
well, not Venezuela, that deports people en-masse 😄
being overly emotional and cramping hardcore once a month every month for 50+ years fucking sucks
their own
When you Google "do men have periods" do you know what the top result is? A giant Quora answer.
being protected wont change biology tho
He's talking about hormone cycles
u will never have a menstrual cycle
or have to give birth
And I will always have the vote
not menstal. hormonal
They don't bleed blood or anything
im talking about women
Jesus christ read a book
the bleeding thing is called a menstrual cycle i believe?
this article is written on a third grade reading level
Do you want us to read books or use Google, make up your mind, damn
" bleeding from the male genitals is often the result of parasites or an infection. No matter where the blood is located, you need to see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan as soon as possible."
Nuuuu i'm a wamen damnit! you islamphobe!
LOL you guy's can't even read third grade material
that is sad and comical