Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 289270499379511299
Remain diciplined when Tyrone runs at you with a knife
Good luck
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk shooting to kill is not self defence
@HoppetillyouDroppe always
>Not taking a Buster Sword to ANTIFA rally
What a bunch of autistic fags
Yea. Thats the smart thing to do. I'll pull the gun, and if he doesn't back off that moment, i'm firing
blade, spiked, projectile weapons are blatant intent to kill in some situations
tbh lads read your local laws. Discussing this in general is a waste of time.
its not like i'm gonna wave it around and never use it
I'm non violent until some faggot tries to kill me. If you are from a martial arts background you know how easy it is for an "unarmed" person to leave you either dead or retarded. All it takes is somebody to push you into a wall head first
it is a means of self defence
if "life is threated"
Burnside is %100 trolling
If somebodh dies because you defended yourself that's fine
>driving your tank to the protest and firing on the communists because you have to be a person to be protected by the NAP
The gun drawn is my warning shot. If they don't back off and keep at me, they're getting shot. It's unecessary to waste ammunition on them if they took the hint and fucked off once it was drawn
If you kill them on purpose it becomes murder
on house property its easier to get away with it legaly than it is on the street unless theres more than a few people and a few fists
You cant warn
and seriously, most Dindus fuck off when they see a gun
Never say 'i shot to kill'
As in
theyre cowards. They never take fights they don't know they can win
Open carry
You will die if you dont use it RIGHT NOW
they only go at targets they think they can bea
its abirtary but always pull your gun out with the intent to kill
Best case scenario though i'll force the fucker to sit down and wait for the cops to come arrest his ass
this is why you shoot to kill
never even bother with injury
legaly not worth the time
but do not ever bring a gun with intent to kill
Honestly, sparing an opponent is begging for them to try to fuck you over legally
it will reverse on you in a dime