Message from @sweatercowsandsass
Discord ID: 508114795917213701
Im not lolfire
@RatKing is a furry
He shags rats
@sweatercowsandsass is a cocksleeve
wat a furry
Lolfire look at bot chat
@RatKing for one person, yes
Infact that might have been what did it
For anyone*
Nah pass
Like the coup
I think someone has a bit too much <:SALT:497478707351650314> cause they shag deed rats
he only fucks $3,000 imported rats
@sweatercowsandsass coal burner
@ٴٴ sure
I dont fuck animals i leave that to kero
Some messed up motherfucker
@lolfire Not sure tbh, either a shit meme in general or changing the nickname of the bot
That, ratking, is a rat king
No its not
Aye I'm not fussed
@sweatercowsandsass your da sells avon
this nigger with the hidden pfp
and name
I ken who it is.
@ٴٴ and juiceplus