Message from @Hatter
Discord ID: 508222756786012161
There was the waifu wars but Idk what it is
Wiki is incomplete
I just explained it NIGGA
@Ninjaplusplus this is unfortunately the best pic I have of em swollen
anyone want to be my beta orbiter
send me nudes
ill send foot pics
wow scammed
@Kingdilph dude I've been online all day
are you dumping me?
Only spije gets nudes
Cause I’ve seen her ass
The "waifu wars" was a campaign of some of the higher ranking people against the waifus, because it had turned into a rank of boysluts and attention whores
I've seen lots of spijs ass tbh
Cause I’ve seen her ass
life got in the way :^)
doom thread is the best one
@coattailsandbowties see it was me
I’m like Guts
You got goosebumps there nigga? @Pirate
Left the band of Waifus then it all went to shit
Shave ur balls @Pirate
I mean not goosebumps
those bumps are normal
but permanent
Actually vech do you even speak to spije anymore
is she kill
there's a distinct lack of teste in that sack now
no one paying any attention to the collapse