Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 508356148081065994
it was banned at my school
F my nigga
cause no one would make powerpoints about the planets
Evening all
My school set up a web blocker because of stuff like that.
They also didn't lock the little room where the admin computer for the computer lab was.
I keylogged it. Sold the admin password for $10 a piece
we just used a teachers password
i can still remember it
5 1s
The teacher is stupid and should feel bad
That would have been nicer. We used just one master password that was made up by a competent tech support dude who worked there
i feel sorry for the it staff at that school
having to plug speakers in and turn monitors on
I replaced sethc.exe and CMD.EXE, hit shift 5 times before login. that would bring up a command prompt with admin privileges. So just reset the admin password.
Linux live disk is useful
Same. All the nerds were allowed to stay after hours in the computer lab
Just play MTG, watch movies, or funpost on imageboards
my snek is trying to crawl into my keyboard
all of the big sites were blocked so we would find stuff that they hadn't blocked
found kongregate like that
I put a pirated install of halo CE e on the shared Drive, we had lan parties in class
good shit was blocked
kongregate is pretty good what shitty flash games is concerned
but not
and it doesnt have game in the titel
so they didn't know of it
@Creold are you near or related some how to new Orleans with your name or am I being a drugged out idiot
there is always cool maths games
I'm not even american