Message from @Creold
Discord ID: 508362856564260885
My cancer just leveled up!
wait now I'm curious
im now wishing the world did end in 2012
going to dive into the horrid depths
I spent maybe 1 hour a week this year drawing, tops
and I can draw better than that shit
aint like I practiced in years past either
how do people just not improve
@Creold are you gonna look up fish on r34?
how are people content with drawing trash and calling it finished?
Lack of trying
Or lack of knowing how to improve
i cant draw
or write
8 results
god is dead
Cause I just did that and I can confirm that someone did make some nsfw loli looking shit of the fish
@Capitalist Space Bats also yes
I refuse to feast my jelly-filled light buckets on any more than that icon
someone put work into this
Hey everyone. How are ya'll doing today?
yes i too get sad knowing that some skilled artist draws that stuff
“If the content wasn’t garbage I could like this”
hey KromeDrone, good man, hows u
Pretty good.
@kromedrone fantastic
whereas my drawings are shit but atleast they arnt complete degeneracy
putput is next
noone is safe
Just made amazing gumbo for lunch
Havent been on in a while. I had my son the last week or so.
Taking care of a 3 month old is certainly a challenge lol.
I guess putput IS safe
i really should go out and get some cigarettes but also cannot be fucked getting changed to go out, cos im v snug right now in slippers and a goonie