Message from @BAMPOT
Discord ID: 508364443399225357
But we have a pic of a dog fucking putt
Stay away from imageboards man xD
I still don't get how freddy fish inspires loli art though
he's a guy
unironically using "XD". Die.
No wait we have two pics of dog fucking
@Mandy the recipe if you want it
sounds nice
not enough deepfrying for my tastes though
Why not an image of plain TV static.
Should be deepfried enough
lmao this is the featured image on r34
what inspired this
the fuck
id cook it but i cant get fresh shrimp and crab and frozens like eating rubber
What is that
the reason gods forsaken us
What the postmodernists call being creative
the weapon used to kill god
this worries me more than that image though
god damn
what is it woman
That's something I recognize
i mean mandy
nothing is safe
first page, it's not as bad as I thought
~~Im still waiting for more art of Dimento from super paper Mario fucking the Martinet from FN@F~~
it's worse
way worse