Message from @lolfire
Discord ID: 508407350940663839
got kicked byt dim twice, just go find a count dankula video
i WonDeR wErE tHe LinK iS
@Dr. Graphix stop sucking up to mods
Has anyone ever dm'd a mod for the link
kk bb
dm me for dankbrigade link
There I thought piss whiteys were immune to mod “bullying”
Dim usually sends an invite to people.
someone is acoustic
Nobody is immune to abuse lmao.
Why does @lolfire not have daf
Nani the fuck.
I got kicked by gary the other day
not even mods are
fookin laser sights
How is that even possible
There is the hierarchy of bully in the faq
the only one safe is ruger and he gets bullied by whiteys
@AstroTorch Thank you for kicking me, I deserved it. Please give me another one
I'll just remember to tag you Lolifurry :D
@ThaPinkGuy nobody finds masochism funny
@ThaPinkGuy stop sucking up
@ThaPinkGuy dribble
that is the kinda sucking up that gets you botbanned
hentai or shit porn?
+announce command kick @ThaPinkGuy "you've been gnomed"
I have set your hourly command to +kick «@ThaPinkGuy» «you've been gnomed»
or that^