Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 508664410055639064
uk edition
oh thanks for clarifiying
Massage my feet
didnt understand that @Crysknife86
Hey considering PAL censorship!!!
11/9 tbf
You guys don't get violence
didnt this actually happen tho?
yes it did
in doctor who
@Participation Trophy Wife you dodged me
Wtf happened to my name xD
aww shit, gotta stop trippin in front of the tv
That's better
I want less life
get your boi pussy here @Soupmeme
@Deleted User what did you think of deltarune?
V good
but i'm a big toby fox fanboy
I played undertale too damn much
58 hours?
those are rookie numbers
i never played
oh shit, i gotta feed my cat (havent fed it since last night)