Message from @PAS CANADIEN
Discord ID: 509593857575616516
we won
I hope
Gonna wait till my morning show
California should break up into 2 states
we won
cue the butt hurt retard faggots
Waht did you win T e x?
Live 95.5 peedee morning show will be lit tomorrow morning.
Death are great
death are shit
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...
+announce stop command
I will stop announcing your command message.
@T e x just looked at the Texas map, funny how Beto only got the Mexicans
there should be an alcohol delivery service tbh
there are alcohol delivery services, although they are by mail.
i'm talking like uber eats or grub hu
you have your license scanned to make sure you are of age then they deliver alcohol to your door step
Alcohol delivery ? Where?
hows the midterms goin?
Define shit?
Here in Virginia Tim Kaine was eleceted over Corey Stewart, 500k more votes, the beltway controls congress vote and electorsl college
Fucking hate the belters
Chenk from TYT is freaking out so pretty gud
West Virginia
more like wet vagina
The belters are people in northern Virginia that are part of the D.C./ Maryland beltway, huge population of government employees
Update on the ratio
why even bother to dislike?
It keeps forgetting mine
Tbh the GOP did better than I thought
@PAS CANADIEN wrong, they live in the asteroid belt mainly on ceres and ganymede station
It's still not over tho hammond