Message from @Nip Crippler
Discord ID: 509591146461396993
@FUCK fire ok? cuz i just snorted 0.1something grams and i snorted 0.3ish grams like 9h ago, and im sweating like damn.
fuckin egg white on twitter man
on one hand i love him blowing roasties the fuck out. otoh he retweets too much and spams the feed
who does?
Hey Jim
@Jim when i had twitter i unironically would just scroll through a persons like thats feed once or twice a day instead of following them lmao
clearly the russians at it again
If only California went another colour
then again i did smoke a fat spliff a lil bit ago, so idfk if im even awake rn.
Cali has double dems you fuck nugget
@T e x remember, no gays.
no homosex allow!
It’s not gay to be gay
alright everyone, im gonna gonna go watch scary movie or something so bye.
i disavow homosexuality
i know i'd be
oh shit im still here?
When is California going to secede?
shut p cunt
manim fucked up, today was amaazin
winning never gets old
@PAS CANADIEN That would be great, then the U.S. government could cut federal aid and turn off the water pipelines, CA would break down into anarchy in a matter of months
@VanishedA97 isn't California always on the verge of anarchy anyway?
fuck, still her?
@PAS CANADIEN While that is true we are talking about Mad Max style anarchy
I mean I'm not gonna say we win until everyone says we win
we win
we won
I hope
Gonna wait till my morning show