Message from @Rotmistrz
Discord ID: 302192091809841152
no one every actually fought for it
does canada even have a culture
French and british culture lol
well tbh all the minorities live in the big cities in canada
im sure in the smaller cities its way better
and you actually see the culture
whats the least cucked part of canader
Quebec is prety based
but their fags cuz they hate english speakers
atlantic canada is based
hate is redpilled tbh
and so is the middle part between british columbia and ontario
BC and ontario are cucked as fuck
What about the Yukon?
no eskimos are cucked
and alberta i think elected the NDP so they commie/socialist government
no one lives in the north lmao
so its not cucked either
they cant adjust to modern life so they kill themselves
theyre called territories not provinces mostly used for indians
and they do whatever the fuck they want there
sounds nice
except the temperature
yea its like alaska i guess
the costs of living are pretty high in terms of groceries and heat and stuff
for the obvious reasons
that theyre so fucken far away
expensive for the americas maybe
but overall i woudl assume its nice
temperature sucks dick
if you go out west a bit not even far north you already get like -40 C
what the fuck
so up north must be completely fucked
i have never experienced colder than -30
and -30 fucking sucks
he deos a good job explaining lmfao
one of my fav videos by him ahah