Message from @Rotmistrz
Discord ID: 302196839447527426
a lot of women in their 30s and 40's experience mid life crisis
and want to have kids and no one will do it
lol rose bombarded
every day
bc they're told raising kids is misoginy
those are only the downie
and 3rd wave feminists
im talking about intelligent women
like lawyers doctors and shit
@Rose ru a trap?
who need to work like 60 horus a week
<@302183124400603139> trap or fap?
Show us the dick
Part guy part girl
gay af
means he has a part its like naming yourself harold unit
gotta go to work now, shadilay
shadilay friend
<@302183124400603139> KEK
<@302183124400603139> you have to put a t in front of it, followed by 1d99. Also, do it in bot_mobile.
🎲 **1d10** | **Rose**, In the end, the result was: **8**
Old roll
<@302183124400603139> magic 8 ball says the answer is yes
War has become asymmetrical, thanks to guerilla and terrorist groups.
at least it gives a life meaning in your twenties in your late thirties not so much
then you understand its a young mans game that old men play treating younger folks like pawns is how religion starts how tribes are won adn lost a rite of passage if you will
or to have them thrown into the great recycling bin
as demonstrated effectively by moab there
also if you had a mound of dirt as cover
and you were 5 feet away from a frag grenade