Message from @AstroTorch
Discord ID: 509795957836218391
What's the kahoot for
I cannot complete this command. You require `kick`
This command requires Kick Members
@The Last MethBender you are so fat
Join my fucking kahoot 5876517
heyyy hello there scat
@FUCK fire your a big gay.
if someone dropped $500 would you give it back
@The Last MethBender at least im not as fucking fat as you
Here we go
welcome to the dank server
I'm in your kahoot @Uzi
\*hug* :purple_heart:
@The Last MethBender lardass
Boy howdy do I sure wish I was balls deep in a huge pile of human faeces right now
*** @everyone YOUR CRINGE FACEBOOK SHITE GOES IN <#418492743547879427> ***
Black people are an opressed minorities we must help the dispossessed
\*hug* :purple_heart:
i had a 15 minute video of minecraft rape
@The Last MethBender how much butter did you have to drink to get that fat?
and it was hot