Message from @AstroTorch
Discord ID: 509845482621894656
Wanting to be a warewolf = having a fursona
You can't change my mind
Just found the video in which dad 'debates' with the bolerhatman, and this is an autistic national treasure
I despise furfags
*"dad"* 🤢
Thats why i dont want to turn into one
Stop calling him dad
Its weird
fucking hell
Youre one of them
Youre gonna hate me then @Papa Benz
they get worse every day
And you know it.
How is everyone?
Werewolves were best class during Halloween event ngl
@A Creative Name nope
Furries are disgusting
And yiff is the spawn of satan
@Papa Benz can't argue with that
+botban @jak waughy
​I have botbanned that user. They will no longer be able to use my commands.
You are one of them, but youre still in the closet, "werewolf"
@Papa Benz keep talking like that and we will spam the chat with it lol
@A Creative Name says the person who actually has a wolf as a PFP
my parents forgot me
does that count
Furries again
@get_zelfed_123 you wont spam anything kiddo
@Papa Benz it has a backstory, cant be fucked to explain, but if it makes you feel better I paid my price for it.
@!Zuja you're right we all will
Spam is delicious
furries are fag and deserve <@&498259609316884520>
@Spork molk fuck me daddy
Okay, i can respect that @A Creative Name
@Prostagma Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo