Message from @mister32
Discord ID: 302241536169738251
Work a Pepe into the logo
people will vote for whoever makes them the most money, trump would have and will make this country rich, that's why he won
charge them double and start making praise kek shirts @DoucheNapkin5K
Ok I'm charging double $$$
thanks kike
Jesus fuck
hey rabbi
didn't know you were here
oy vey
Gas the kikes
Racewar now
someone get the gun there's a brony
I'm going to put a pepe in their invoice
Dew it
O-Oh... :^(
ok r/the_donald
Rarity tbh
Rainbow dash come on now
Jesus fuck kill me
whoa nice pepe
I'm certain we all have our own guilty pleasures kek
wanting to be around horse fuckers
reminder north korea did this
war with korea starts tomorrow
NK is feral gooks and nothing more
there's no reason not to wipe them off of the earth
apr 15th is the birthday of Kim Jung Sun
and is like christmas in NK
except they dont have food
perfect time to drop some MOABs
someone call the Chinooks