Message from @Tatsumaki
Discord ID: 302262559032082442
Hmm yeah
He didn't invade Syria. And they wanted him to so badly
But Assad is the only one fighting them
@Renaar nigger where my rep point at, you said youd give if i admit to be trap
!reputation Rose (!Trap)
Def 4D chess. He's getting the dems to side with him so he get more leeway and less pressure from media
how do i do it
Fucking cunt
!reputation @Rose
❎ | **Rose**, **you cannot give yourself reputation!**
t!Reputation @Rose
Ayy my boi @Norwegian Black Metal
t!Reputation @DoucheNapkin5K
❎ | **DoucheNapkin5K**, **you cannot give yourself reputation!**
t!Reputation @DoucheNapkin5K
Give me rep points u cucks
i mean kek
Make me.
t!Reputation @Norwegian Black Metal
🆙 | **Rose has given @Norwegian Black Metal a reputation point!**
t!Reputation @Norwegian Black Metal
🆙 | **DoucheNapkin5K has given @Norwegian Black Metal a reputation point!**
t!Reputation @Rose
🆙 | **DoucheNapkin5K**, **you can award more reputation in 23 hours, 59 minutes and 41 seconds.**
t!Reputation @Renaar