Message from @DoucheNapkin5K
Discord ID: 302261864057012236
Hell, I see more mlp in there anyway.
does anyone know if theres a kek tarrot deck out there?
im planning to start doing real meme magic
like sigils and tulpas and stuff
People keep pushing Trump is a neocon, but neocons never would have had the balls to get rid of NK. And Trump did exactly the opposite of what the neocons wanted, going into Syria.
aria thats a shill
the neocon thing
they know it turns a lot of people away from him
by calling him a neocon jew
and its effective
he dropped the MOAB to flex infront of North Korea and the world
Yea but they're too late to turn people against him lol
about 6 months late
theyre aiming for the next election
@JayIsDed◄[Mortis Sec]► welcome
Thank you
I'm voting for him again
a bunch of us discussing mlp just moved over to furfag grove if you wanna join us
i think the whole SYria attack thing was to expose John McCain and what the CIA has been doing with ISIS
its 4D chess
you cant jump shift after one thing you disagree with
this is AMerica, we bomb people
Hmm yeah
He didn't invade Syria. And they wanted him to so badly
But Assad is the only one fighting them
@Renaar nigger where my rep point at, you said youd give if i admit to be trap
!reputation Rose (!Trap)
Def 4D chess. He's getting the dems to side with him so he get more leeway and less pressure from media
how do i do it
Fucking cunt
!reputation @Rose
❎ | **Rose**, **you cannot give yourself reputation!**
t!Reputation @Rose