Message from @Ruger
Discord ID: 510162351941615616
Sips was the best
the magic stuff more prominent in ftb made it less fun for me
playing tekkit gets boring after a while
Ruger thunderdome now, you have been challenged
I miss it when I could swim and not get fucked by water zombies
you cant challenge me to TD
I had great fun mixing the magic and the technology mods together
i actually loved magic stuff like thaumcraft and ars magica 2 in ftb
@coattailsandbowties Why you getting upset over minecraft you faggot.
Real minecraft hours
cause its impossible to punish me on here
I really like project e it was fun for the equalivent exchange
@Dino upset?
Using the puke/sick emoji.
tekkit is pretty good
you have to tickle mossads nuts if you wnt a thunderdome
Skyrim mods are where its at
@coattailsandbowties Also your name though.
@fuzzyplant Yes.
skyrim isn't even the best elder scrolls
Hell yeah
I seriously need to get all the skyrim dlcs.
rip my discord
oh nvm
Do it
You should they were hella cheap
Dragonborne was my fave
The vampire one is fucking sick
Just waiting for a sale.
And for me to get some money.
@Mossad @Mossad @Mossad @Mossad @Mossad thunderdome time
Sale will be a steal
Dawn guard crashed for me because I killed npc's that were important to the plot.
Nearly Christmas my dude.