Message from @Woke Horse
Discord ID: 302263997229563915
4D chess
4D chess
4D chess
5D chess
7D Chinese checkers
Have you fags read up on the boltzmann brain idea? I read about and am spooked af
2*6D starcraft
@Woke Horse link?
8====D Chess
3D dreidel
@Renaar kek
Multiverse Infinity Chess!
4003D capture the flag
5%D phone charging
3D printer
6D Russian roulette
9D sims 3
Apparently it's gonna happen after 39 billions years
books are pages of lies
666D holocoaster
the holocaust never happened, but i wish it did
So 4D battleship
Seems legit though since the universe will expand at a accelerated rate
1D Pay 4 Play
23D majong
the amount of resources it would take to kill 6 gorillion people during war time doesnt make sense
with gas
17,000 actual number
also body disposal
Boltzmann looks like a kike
most of them were locked in cages and let to starve to death
also all the "death camps" we investigated were just prisons with ammenities like pools and gardens and dentists
everyone is a bronie